Becca Abbe
Cdxs L.L.C.
Graphic design, typesetting, branding, programming, print and digital.
Clients include: Columbia University GSAPP, Buchhandlung Walther König, Discwoman, Maharam, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and others.
Brooklyn, New York
inst: @cdxs
twit: @bbbeeccaa
No Logo, Naomi Klein
The Mushroom At The End Of The World, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
Patternmaster, Octavia E. Butler
Pattern Recognition, William Gibson
To...Laurel Schwulst, Julia Panek, Pun Sarasas, Iconic Classics, PISS Group, Jessica Arner, Eli Abbe, Dan Abbe, Matt Shen Goodman, Evan Robarts, Allyn Yu, Allen Bianchi, Bailey Salisbury, Julia Crockett, Anthony Atlas, Gossip's Web, Nick Irvin, Emma Burgess-Olson, Discwoman, Lucy Ives, Theo Martins, Audrey Chin, Shiraz Gallab, Cole Evelev, Leslie Gill, Hole Earth Catalog, Lizzie Homersham, Frances Kao, Zane Morris, Office 365, Lily Bartle, J. Gordon Faylor, Meg Miller, boork, Jarrod Turner, Ian Glover, Fabrizio Pirolo, Janine Rosen, Will Karmis, Madalyn Merkey, fanfare, Kyle Hide, and Elliott Cost for their support which is deeply appreciated.